Poster Accepted into WFPICCS 2020

A Novel Algorithm for Early Detection of Junctional Ectopic Tachycardia in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
Paper ⋅ Presentation

Arrhythmias can be lethal for children in the period following cardiac surgery, and junctional ectopic tachycardia (JET) is considered the most common type of tachycardia seen during early post-operative care. We present a novel classification algorithm that detects the JET onset based on electrocardiogram (ECG) waveforms. Our algorithm obtains an average cross-validation sensitivity of 87.07%, specificity of 87.12% and area under the receiver operating charactieristic curve (AUROC) of 90.71% on a dataset of 9 patients from Texas Children’s Hospital. In addition, we present a “human in loop” development pipeline by creating a novel waveform visualization system. This pipeline will enable cardiac surgeons to better recognize and label arrhythmia onset.

Paper Accepted into IDETC-CIE 2020

Analysis of the Rigid Motion of a Developable Conical Mechanism
McKell Woodland, Michelle Hsiung, Erin L. Matheson, C. Alex Saftsen, Jacob Greenwood, Denise M. Halverson, Larry L. Howell

We demonstrate analytically that it is possible to construct a developable mechanism on a cone that has rigid motion. We solve for the paths of rigid motion and analyze the properties of this motion. In particular, we provide an analytical method for predicting the behavior of the mechanism with respect to the conical surface. Moreover, we observe that the conical developable mechanisms specified in this paper have motion paths that necessarily contain bifurcation points which lead to an unbounded array of motion paths in the parameterization plane.