YIS Poster and MedPhys Slam at SWAAPM 2022

Abstract entitled “Improving the Generation of Synthetic Medical Images using Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning” chosen for a poster presentation at the Young Investigator’s Symposium at SWAAPM 2022. The top 20 abstracts were chosen for the session.

In addition, my presentation entitled “Houston, Our AI Models Have a Problem!” was selected for the MedPhys Slam competition.

codeConnects Instructor

I was the lead instructor for 18-week coding courses for elementary and middle school students in the Glendale Unified School District. The middle school course had 200 students, while the elementary school course had 100. Both courses were taught through Zoom. I taught computer science basics, including: if/else statements, for loops, while loops, and functions through the use of Python Turtle. The course was administered by codeConnects, a program sponsored through The Coding School.

Poster Accepted into PBDW2021

Poster accepted into the Practical Big Data Workshop 2021 by AAPM.

Detecting Out-of-Distribution Images for Active Learning using a Generative Adversarial Network (StyleGAN2)

Purpose: To detect outliers from a medical imaging distribution used to train deep learning models. The proposed method can identify Computed Tomography (CT) scans that would make a clinically deployed segmentation model fail.

Methods: A cohort of 143 patients with 147 non-contrast enhanced abdominal CTs (97 training, 50 test) was used. A StyleGAN2 network, a state-of-the-art high-resolution generative model that uses a style-based generator and backpropagation to encode, was trained to reconstruct slices. Data was preprocessed with windowing, masking, and conversion to 512×512 PNG images. The network’s generative quality was measured with the Fréchet Inception (FID) and Wasserstein (WD) distances. Slice reconstructions from the test CTs with a learned perceptual image patch similarity score (compares VGG network feature representations) over 0.1 were classified as out-of-distribution.

Results: Randomly generated slices had FID and WD metric values of 8.77 and 0.10, respectively. All test images on which a segmentation model failed (the model had a Dice coefficient of 0.96 on test CTs) were classified as out-of-distribution.

Conclusion: A paradigm was optimized to predict when a clinically deployed segmentation model would fail with a 100% success rate. The paradigm could be further used to create heterogenous imaging datasets and prioritize images for labeling.