Paper Published

Woodland, M. et al. (2022). Evaluating the Performance of StyleGAN2-ADA on Medical Images. In: Zhao, C., Svoboda, D., Wolterink, J.M., Escobar, M. (eds) Simulation and Synthesis in Medical Imaging. SASHIMI 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13570. Springer, Cham.

YIS Poster and MedPhys Slam at SWAAPM 2022

Abstract entitled “Improving the Generation of Synthetic Medical Images using Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning” chosen for a poster presentation at the Young Investigator’s Symposium at SWAAPM 2022. The top 20 abstracts were chosen for the session.

In addition, my presentation entitled “Houston, Our AI Models Have a Problem!” was selected for the MedPhys Slam competition.